Would you care if you saw this? Saw the blood that fell? Saw as I timidly burned that wrist with my straightener? Saw the tears that have finally dried?
The only things that saw were my stuffed animals and they can't do shit. I wanna tell Anna, but we're dealing with her relationships. But gosh it hurts. It's so painful. I wanna scream and cry, but I know you won't care.
I hate the people in this house. I wanna hop out of my window, go for a walk, feel as though I'm free for once. Feel as though I never have to go back if I don't want to.
Sooo...That's my sob story for tonight.
No please don't do this!! It breaks my heart that you're upset and going through some tough times. Please don't cut, I care, this community cares, your friends care, we're all here for you, anytime you need us to listen. I wish I could help you, make you feel better. I hope everything goes well and things improve. I'm an email away if you need anything. Stay beautiful!