Monday, May 30, 2011

I'm going to be healthy.

And free
and alive
and happy
and I'm going to dance in the rain
and it's going to be awesome.
I'm going to eat 1200 calories a day.
I'm going to write and draw and read and make things. My life is made to be creative. Daydreams come and go and I have to capture them with pen or keyboard.
I'm gonna fall in love with someone. They're going to be amazing. It'll be a whirlwind of love. I don't care if it's in the next three years and I'm going off to college before it happens. I don't care if it's AT college that it happens. I'm going to be in love eventually.
My life isn't planned, but I want to live it free of all shackles.
I'm going to make a completely new account and a completely new blog. When I do, I'll let you guys have the URL. I've worked hard to find the followers I have, but I need a fresh start.

1 comment:

  1. I'm truly happy that you have decided to be healthy and do all the amazing things that will bring you the happiness that an eating disorder can't. You deserve love and life, and I'm glad you are finally free, this made my day. One day in the future, I hope to do the same, you are an inspiration. I would miss you incredibly if you left, I'm glad you're posting the new URL to your new blog and your new life, I'm excited to read it. (:
