Sunday, May 1, 2011

School ends the 26th of this month.

I'll probably go swimming once school ends. So, I'm going to do day 26-day 50 of Ana Boot Camp because it's brutal compared to everything I've ever done. I'll post the days I'm doing at the end of this post!
So, I got all grumpy because J.P.'s bitchiness and arrogance gets to me. I fucked with her. I was mad. I guess I kinda still am. But I'm getting over it. :)
I used to love swimming. BUT the summer between seventh grade and eighth grade, I didn't go swimming. I felt ugly. J.P. was hanging around skinnier people and I was realizing how...BIG I am, was, whatever. I wanna go swimming this year. I wanna be able to feel amazing because I turn heads and snap hearts in half. I wanna be the bitch that I secretly am. I wanna be raw and real I wanna be me. The thin, better, what-I-was-supposed-to-be-but-I-fell-somewhere me. I wanna be able to look in the mirror this summer and go "yes, this is me" and not feel the need to dye my hair a completely different color from what I have and not need to lose more weight. I wanna be able to smirk to myself because I'm amazingly in C-O-N-T-R-O-L of my body.
I'm thinking about changing the look of my blog and starting one that is just intake, food eaten, exercise, and weekly average of weight. That way I'll be forced to stay on track! Because all of my mistakes will be on display if I don't!

Okay!~ Time for my comment answering (because you all just love this, don't you?).

Americaneaglelove, I have fat legs, but I wanted to be noticed yesterday and it was kinda hot for a while, so I thought I could get away with it. To be completely honest, I'm jealous of you now because I really wish my thighs didn't touch like they do. It's kinda really gross.

Alright, like I said, I'll post the days I'm gonna do.
Found here
26: 50 calories
27: 100 calories
28: 200 calories
29: 200 calories
30: 300 calories
31: 800
32: fast
33: 250 calories
34: 350 calories
35: 450 calories
36: fast
37: 500 calories
38: 450 calories
39: 400 calories
40: 350 calories
41: 300 calories
42: 250 calories
43: 200 calories
44: 200 calories
45: 250 calories
46: 200 calories
47: 300 calories
48: 200 calories
49: 150 calories
50: fast

Dolls, I have to say that I'm not expecting easy. I'm expecting days of staring at cupcakes and then being asked if I want one and smiling, saying, "No, I'm good", and holding up a bottle of water. I'm expecting tomorrow to be full of fruits. And exercise. And hunger. I'm expecting the fast days to be full of throwing food out the window, hoping no one is looking and painting my nails and dancing to music and exercising and trying to ignore how flippin hungry I am.
Alright, I'm off to go and work on giving my bloggie a summery feel!


  1. Hoorah for the ending

    I get out

  2. Love the new layout :)
    Woah, they diet looks harsh!
    Best of luck with it!
    Lottie x
