Thursday, June 24, 2010


I ate like a normal effing person. Well, I mean, not, like, fat normal, but, like, average normal. BUT I felt like I scored points when I only ate half of this brownie and threw the rest away. I don't about what any of you are going to say based on JUST that. I feel EFFING amazing. I was working out for a total of around an hour. I was sweating, but I felt so freaking beautiful that I made a pitiful attempt at ballet.


And it was SO pitiful considering I have NEVER cared about ballet or ballerinas. I ran forwards and backwards (because if I turn, it makes noise and I don't wanna wake anyone), I did sit-ups, push-ups, jumping jacks, a little bit of yoga that lasted longer than I planned because of my dog wanting attention, put my legs on the couch and did sit-ups like that, and I think that's it. I felt amazing. Then I sat back and thought, "Now imagine how much prettier you would've felt had you not eaten so much." I had to roll my eyes and sigh. Tomorrow is a new day. Tomorrow, I will do better. Tomorrow will not be just another broken promise to myself. Tomorrow will eventually be today (well, if we're going by time, it is), but it will not be a bad today. It will be a today full of a lack of food and full of exercise. Even if it means having my family look at me and wondering what got into me. Don't worry, dears, I have an excuse for the whole exercise thing if anyone asks. I used to get my work out at school. Yes, that's my excuse and it will work. I am CONFIDENT!
beauty Pictures, Images and Photos

Well, since I have this weird thing where falling asleep during the time of 3 AM, I'll probably find some way to work out that whole time. Then, at four, I'll crash into my bed, feeling once more like I'm on the top of the world. Like I'm in control of EVERY-EFFING-THING! Haha!

thinspiration Pictures, Images and Photos

OH! Another plus that I almost totally forgot. I carved the word love into my arm a while back. I was terrified that it wouldn't heal before Saturday, but it really looks like it will. Honestly, I'm happy because that means I won't worry my friend (who knows) or have my mom freak out (because she doesn't know). Okay, I'm gonna hope off, go to the potty, and the do a little more working out and then... BED TIME!
Remember, they can only take what you let them.

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