Friday, June 11, 2010


Ugh, not as bad as yesterday, but I did consume 479 cals BUT I'm working on working them off. I've already worked off 219 of them! Only 260 left! Gotta think positive or nothing will ACTUALLY get done. Next week, starting on Monday, everything (except for Sunday) is planned. I have a fast planned on Thursday and I'm hoping that I can stick with with it. 229 worked off! Only 250 left! Yus! I'm sooo going to get there! Oh, wait, no, I'm screwed. Mom offered the one thing I swear I cannot say no to. Cherry Dilly Bar. 210 cals. I'm gonna try to only eat half. Ok, screwed up that plan. Ugh, 156 cals eaten from just one effing thing!! DANG IT! I'm just so effing weak! Need to work off= 406 now. I am going to work that off even if it takes all night. I swear! And some of you are going, "Stop throwing a fit and just puke it up." That's my problem! I can't! I've tried and tried and effing tried in the past... nothing! Just a sore throat! Maybe I was doing it all wrong, but still. I'm gonna try to work all of this off and, hopefully, I'll be able to give another post happily proclaiming that I manged to work it off. YAY!

Stay stronger than THIS,

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