Thursday, June 24, 2010

I'm starting to despise this.

One day, I eat like any normal person would. Not an effing care about what goes into my mouth. The next day, I'm counting EVERY calorie taken in, and hoping that whatever the eff I just ate was healthy. Then, I'm thinking of ways I can work out without it being some time way late into the night. Basically, this week, I've been going nuts. Totally nuts. Or at least, that's how I feel. Today, I'm pretty sure I stayed under three hundred and I KNOW I was under four hundred and unlike yesterday, it was the easiest thing in the world. Also, my mom was home which makes staying so low a HUGE shock. Luckily, the reason she was home was because my little brother had a fever and was puking. You must know that my little brother rarely gets sick. With anything. So she didn't really pay much attention to me until he was feeling better which was around four which is about the usual time she pays any attention to me. Okay, I'm gonna go do some sit-ups because there isn't enough room to really do anything else in my room.

1 comment:

  1. you don't need alot of room to work out. you can do lunges in place. &unless you're freakishly tall jumping jacks don't take up that much room. try to change it up a little.

