Monday, February 21, 2011

over 1000 calories today.

BUT I'm ok with that. Because tomorrow I'll go lower. And lower. I'll lower my need. So, I allowed my heart to be broken, but now that it's over and I begged and begged, I don't care.
I'm going to lose weight. If I look how I wanna (because high schoolers are visual people) then I'm changing schools. My mom is excited because she thinks J.P. is a poison for me. I want this because I have no friends here. Well, not any close ones and not a "group." So, I'm trying to fix it.
AND lose weight. :)

1 comment:

  1. KUDOS FOR THINKING POSITIVE :D Changing schools is HARD but for me I think it definitly is better than staying where I was. <3 I hope this all goes well for you!!! You can get there I promise!! Stay strong love <3
