Friday, January 7, 2011

Today was quite uneventful.

I slept from 5ish to 6ish and from a ffew minutes after that (I was texting J.P.), to now, nearly 11 PM.
You know what's painful? Walking by someone you used to stop and hug. Walking by someone you used to love as a sister and nearly crying because they like him more than they like you. That happened today at school, but I kept my head high, didn't glance over at her when we were side-by-side for a fraction of a second. See, and this may have been very selfish of me, but I told L.S. that she had to choose between me and J.R. because that mental stress is too much (I trusted her, but the last time I trusted someone who was hanging out with him, it ended poorly and I'm here, feeling worthless nearly 80% of the time.). Apparently she thought she could hang out with him AFTER telling me she was fine not doing so, just so long as I didn't find out. J.P., I think, is selfish when it comes to me. It's not a good thing except in this case. She told me about all of L.S. cut off sentences involving her and J.R. and said she had seen them walking and talking together. So, I asked about it, L.S. was a brat and said some hurtful things, but after she asked who told me I knew we weren't gonna be friends.
Also, J.P. thinks she's bisexual. It freaks her out because she comes from a family full of Babtists. Personally, I think it's either experimentation or she is. Either way, I'm cool with it. Which she'll probably need, a friend who is will to understand and accept her. I feel really bad, though, because we were texting and I haven't slept well all week, and so I fell asleep while talking to her about this.
I'm sooo hungry, like you probably would believe. Today, I had mac and cheese (probably wayy too much) and half an apple for lunch and then a small snack when I got home and then sleeepppp. Which I'm gonna go do again

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