Thursday, January 13, 2011

Just Freaked Out At My Little Bro.

He knows he is 100% not freaking allowed in my room. This hunger is making me a jerk, too. So, I freaking flipped when he kept stepping a foot in and then out and then in and out and in and out and just doing that over and over while Mom handed me rice with soup. Yes, I should eat some just so I calm down a little, but frick eating is gross. How to get rid of the rice... I can toss spoonfuls out of my window. Anyway, I just wanted to vent about it. He knows that he isn't allowed in my room ever. No one but me, my friends, and my parents are ever allowed in my room. It's my room! And he's been freaking out my dog when I'm around and just annoying me and Mom doesn't do crap so I scream at him and then she yells at him because he "wasn't doing anything" and she's full of it.
I'm gonna go get rid of this fattening food. And then take a shower...or exercise and then take a shower.

Soo, my cal count is up by 100ish. I would curse it under my breath, but it kept me from binging. Yay. See, I ate small pieces of a cookie. It upset my tummy because tummy is already not used to sweets. Which made me smile in a self-sadistic kind of way. At least it wasn't wasted earlier on frickin cheeseburgers. I only burned off 164 calories on the wiifit and probably even less in PE. Well, let's see, twenty and then whatever a 30 minute walk at a normal (about 3.5 miles per hour)...hum... ok, found something online to tell me. 156 calories burned in PE. Wow, 320 burned today. Not all of what I ate though. But I didn't binge. Did not binge. Have to think upside. WILL think upside. Happy=good. Remember that, everyone.
With that, I really must begin my homework.

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