Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Something has gotten into me today

Yesterday, I thought I was gonna have a great day and then I realized that I have a sweet tooth and suggested we go out for ice cream. UGH!! Curse me and my stupidity! Curse my love for you, you stupid ice cream! Today, NO chance of ice cream, buttery (fatty) popcorn, or ANY other sweet. I swear this to you. I woke up at 11:23 AM which was kinda crappy because I went to bed at 5:30ish in the morning. So, I got up and played the game that I rented yesterday until my brother wanted to play his game (and I let him because I had played from, like, nine last night until five twentyish when I decided it was bedtime). Seriously, Fable 2 ish addicting! Well, then I took Mya (my cute little doggie) for a walk. It was hot (like 93 degrees hot) so after 13 minutes of walking, we decided to come back. For some reason, I didn't feel weird doing crunches and push ups and stretching while I watched my brother play his game. Somewhere in there it hit, "HOLY CRAP! I haven't eaten." So, I sucked it up and ate a strawberry. I started pacing, you know, just to burn a few more calories because I'm a pansy who can only do, like, 10 push up and 30 crunches at a time. I don't breathe right when I do push ups. Just a few moments ago I broke down and had a 93 cal meal-snack. Half a cup banana, half a cup strawberries. Yummy. Now, I'm chilling out, blogging my effing day, sipping on green tea. Yep, I made it myself. Around 6, I'm gonna try to walk the dog for, I dunno, 40-50 minutes.
Honestly, I think I'm doing all this RIGHT now because my friend is gone for 4 more days at church camp. Maybe it's a big "EFF YOU! You know I'm self-destructive!" Which reminded me, for some reason, my mom mentioned that instead of getting a scale first, we get a treadmill. Like, a really cheap, $200 one. My brother objects, saying that getting out and just walking is better for you. Which, sure, it is because more calories are used when there's a changing terrain, but having a treadmill INSIDE means that my flubby family is more likely to do it. And I'LL use it, like, a lot.
Okay, I've outlined my day so far, I need to get off now before I go on a huge rant about how FAT I feel, but how strong I also feel for being awake for about 4 hours and 20 minutes with only a 97 cal intake and a usage of, like, 150 cals (not impressive, but I'm not done yet for today). Let's hope I can get away with a salad for supper so I don't feel like I'm a screw up!

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