Sunday, July 11, 2010


I told my mom that I wanted a cheeseburger, though I didn't have plans to eat it to begin with. Cheeseburgers can be thrown out the window for the cats. Corn... on the other hand, can't. I'm not gonna eat it. You couldn't pay me to eat the thing today. I'm empty and I like that. I'm wondering if my mom will think it suspicious if I don't eat the corn... Maybe not... That cheese burger is kinda big. Hum... Maybe I'll get lucky and she won't notice if I slip it back onto the place where the rest of the corn is.
Okay, gonna go take care of supper. =) See ya later, gators. ♥

1 comment:

  1. Fight that cheezburger! Fight it!
    Glad to hear you'll be joining us for the fast. <3
