Monday, July 12, 2010

153. 153. 153. 153. 153.

That's my weight at the doctors. No water weight because I went before going to the doctors and then had to do a urine test which for some reason freaked me out. Today is just crappy. Lost my phone, the bunny I saved from getting tortured and then eaten died anyway, and eff it, I'm by myself with my non-verbal older brother who knows he can get away with anything. So, without a second thought, I asked my friend if she wanted and could come over. If she can, that means I will more than probably eat something with chocolate in it. That's cause I'm stupid, you know?
Sadly, I feel like my friend is going to get off before sh reads the message I sent her. I'm so tired. The three times I went to sleep last night, I dreamed I had pigged out and was freaking out because I was suppose to be fasting...
See? I'm always right. My friend got off before reading it. Ho. Fagot. Jerk. I'M SO SICK OF BEING ALONE!!! I would text her if I could find my phone!! Whatever, Jerk, leave it so that my only friends are the starvation that pleads for my to go to the kitchen and pig out and that effing razor blade that you know I love. Whatever, I'm sick of games, of lying just because I know that what I have to say will start a fight, fighting, feeling.
I'm getting off now.
Sorry to end it on such a sickening note.

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