Sunday, September 26, 2010

Guilty Always

Up by elbow, in cuts, reads "Guilty" is cursive and below that, purple ink, also cursive, says "Always". But, that's not the reason for my post. I was reading this journal I keep and one entry I made when I hadn't eaten that day. I was so cheerful, so ready to not eat anything but fruits, veggies, water, and coffee. Wow... Where did that go? So I've planned no eating tomorrow!
Oh, J.P. came over this weekend and we were cool. Then, after she left, I sent her a text saying she was refreshing kind of odd, not a butthole like J.R. Her reply forced every self-hating feeling I have out of me. "and you aren't?" I get a little arrogant, when I forget just how much I hate myself.
SORRY for the lack of comments, I just... haven't been able to think of anything. I read, though, so keep posting.
Ok, goodnight! :)

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the sweet comment, babygirl. &even though i cut too it still makes me sad that you do. sometimes it helps me to go for a walk. or if it's at an odd hour, i write down why i want to cut. but sometimes that has the opposite effect&i cut anyway....hang in there, darling. i hope your arm heals up fast.

