Sunday, August 29, 2010

Woke up to...

That amazing, starved feeling and yet...last night's depression carried over too. I guess it's finally sinking in that J.P. doesn't want to talk to me and we are super best friends. J.R. said that this shouldn't make me feel like dying, that it didn't make him feel like dying, but I feel like a piece of me, an important piece, was stolen.
The only silver lining I can find is that I'm one of those odd people who don't eat when they're sad. I simply don't feel like it. Kinda depressing that THAT'S my silver lining.
I keep expecting someone to text me, telling me I'm worth something, but they don't know how low I'm feeling. Actually, a part of me doubts that anyone would even if they knew.
Okay, I have to go start my morning and drink, like, a gallon of water to shut my stomach up. Hope you guys are having better days than me. Bye.

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