Thursday, August 11, 2011

Today's a bad day

So, for those of you who don't know, I'm nerdy enough to cosplay, which is basically dressing up as someone from a show, movie, book, game, whatever. I'm also a huge fan of the anime Naruto. Soo, obviously, tomorrow at nerdfest (AKA Natsucon), I wanted to cosplay one of the characters from that anime/manga. Well...found out last night costume won't be here in time and my wig has a slim chance of being here by tomorrow (very slim chance). Hopefully I can style my hair myself and do a punky look for said character. Chances of me looking decent: Little, few, almost zero.
On another note, I woke up and my fishies had cold-to-the-touch water. Which is BAD because they're tropical fishies. They're swimming in it like it's okay though. I tried heating up some water and putting it in there, which worked for a little bit, but now it's cold again.
I really just wish Anna would give up on this boy. He's a bad influence and makes her upset...but he also makes her happy. Which I'm torn about. :/
We're uploading a new video on youtube. Another Anna video. Later, after hers uploads, I'm gonna make one. It's basically going to be a "Hi!~ I'm gonna be at Natsucon!~" type thing.
Alright, now that I've nerded, I'm gonna go. Toodles.

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