Sunday, October 3, 2010

That lovely message from J.R.

First, I'm gonna say I didn't block J.P.'s first name because rereading this is too painful and I would have to to find her name. So, here it is. All of it. From beginning to end.

Between You and J.R.
J.R. October 1 at 9:24PM Report
I am really quite sick of your disturbing obsession with Julia. I know everything you say to her. I know that you are angry at her because she will not get rid of me. So you are trying to turn her against me. Is this some sort of game to you? What is your problem. Julia tells me that if she hugs anyone else before she hugs you especially when it comes to me you get really pissed at her.Why? What the hell is wrong with her hugging other people before she hugs you? I am in a relationship with her and that doesn't even bother me the least bit. And I saw the way you looked at me when I went and stood next to Julia and you said " I have to go to tutoring" and rudely walked away. And Julia now tells me that it "physically hurts" you that I am with her. Why? If you are cutting yourself then the only one to blame is you. I did nothing to you I merely stripped away your collapsing illusion. You were afraid. You were afraid that I or anyone else would see through your false appearense and see what you truely are. A sad, psychoctic, obsessive, dangerous girl. And you are afraid someone like me will "steal" Julia away. So the way I see it is you are either a lesbian or you have completely lost your mind. You are an anchor and will drag Julia down. You spread your negativity to others. And why? Because you want someone to either suffer the same fate as you or someone to try and guilt trip. You deserve no sympathy. You are a dangerous human being and your worst enemy is yourself. You need some serious mental help my dear =) .
Me October 2 at 5:25PM Obviously, she doesn't tell you all of it. And, even though I don't really like you, I didn't mean to give you a dirty look. If you asked me to tell you how I felt then (which I know you didn't), I wouldn't be able to give a better answer than "broken and like she would ignore me."
You don't think it, but I do have to fight for her attention when you're around and I just frickin hate it because everyone wants me to be happy for you guys and act like I feel ok. I don't spread my negativity, at least not as much as you think I do.
My cutting is my choice, I know. I'm fine with it, and really wouldn't wish it on anyone. Really, I'm not at all dangerous. Maybe to myself, but not to anyone else.
I get that I'm probably a little crazy. I've got a major fear of abandonment and I cut. Yeah, I gets it I'm crazy. :P I don't want your sympathy. If I did, I would be flashing the cuts and scars, not hiding them. .
J.R. October 2 at 5:28PM Report
So why is it that you don't like me? Because I got the truth out of you of who you really are? Or is it because I am with Julia? .
Me October 2 at 5:34Pm Idk, seeing your face just makes me wanna punch something. And then she freaking expects me to try and hang out with you guys when I'm almost certain she'll totally ignore me. .
J.R. October 2 at 5:37PM Report
So basically you dislike me for no reason...really mature. .
Me October 2 at 5:44am Ohkay, let me think of a're arrogant, annoying, accusing, probably one of the most ignorant people I know,(the ones after this are actual reasons) you don't think of how your actions will bother others, and you just came at me without knowing the whole story.
Honestly, you both act like being mean to me will eventually make me come around. It's freaking stupid. .
J.R. October 2 at 5:53PM Report
No acutally I don't really expect you to come around. Actually I told Julia that if you were bothering her enough that shes hould just leave you behind completely. I wouldn't have actually told her that if it weren't for the fact that she told me that you want her to get rid of me. That and your lesbian-like obsession over her is really scaring her. And "annoying". I fail to see how. The only time I ever even say anything to you is if you are starting your stupid drama. And that is when I confront you. And rightfully so. So I guess anyone that you piss off through out your life must be annoying because they may confront you. I only accuse when I know the facts or if I was mislead. And Julia has told me all I needed to know about all the ignorant drama you start every day of every week. And quite frankly I don't care how my actions may bother you or anyone else. I do not live to please you nor any other person I do not care for. And Ignorant? I call it out. Apparently I smart enough to dig out the truth from your pathedic false image. You are just as ignorant as I. And You are quite insane. If you are in love with Julia just admit it already. And what bugs me about act as if everything is fine and then randomly some week you start this whole drama thing all over again. .
Me October 2 at 5:59PM I don't care that you guys are dating. I care that it made her change completely. I care that I'm expected to be perfectly fine and not at all upset. Honestly, if you weren't such a brat at times like this and actually tried to get info about the actual situation, I would try not to feel like I'm gonna hurl when I'm around you two and only walk off when I actually am being ignored. .
J.R. October 2 at 6:03PM Report
The only thing making her mad and making her ignore you She ignores her because you turn crazy on her. I haven't every told her to do anything to you. I told her when we were still friends that I will not persuade her to do something she doesn,t want to do. .
J.R. October 2 at 6:05PM Report
And how has she changes for the worst? Is the fact that she is happy bother you? Or do you expect her to be a nun her entire life. And stop calling me a brat like you are my parent or something. I am simply confronting you because this whole thing is really starting to piss me off. .
Me October 2 at 6:11PM No, she ignores me even when she isn't mad at me. The fact that she's happy doesn't bother me. The fact that she ignores me does! But like always you only see your point of view. .
J.R. October 2 at 6:12PM Report
You don't know what I see. Don't be a condescending bitch. .
Me October 2 at 6:16PM Obviously I've done something completely unforgivable by trying to firgure out what's up, and if it weren't you, I may say sorry. .
J.R. October 2 at 6:16PM Report
That doesn't explain why you are so obsessive over her. She even told me about you asking how she would react if you told her that you truely love her. What is that about? .
Me October 2 at 6:19PM I was being hypothetical or wondering or whatever. But I have learned never to ask her anything. .
J.R. October 2 at 6:20PM Report
You haven't answered my question. .
J.R. October 2 at 6:25PM Report
Well since you will not answer you obviously are afraid to answer me or you would have no problem answering my question. .
Me October 2 at 6:32PM I did. Obviously you're referring to a question you didn't ask or missesd the answer.
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J.R. October 2 at 6:35PM Report
Why would you ask such an odd and somewhay creepy question? And that wasn't the only thing she had told me. .
Me October 2 at 6:38PM Blah, blah, blah, she told you everything, blah, blah, blah. I didn't think she would mind and I was wondering. She should've told me herself if she did
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J.R. October 2 at 6:39PM Report
She didn't tell me everything. None of you ever have told me the full story on anything. She also told me you wouldn't mind hanging out with us if she held you hand. ????????? .
Me October 2 at 6:42PM Physical anchor to keep me from running away and I meant once, but it doesn't matter, she doesn't have time for me.
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J.R. October 2 at 6:46Pm Report
And she never will. As long as you keep up your phsyco behavior she will always cast you out. She may even try and sort things out with you now. But you always take the wrong approach and yell at her. And don't say you don't because she just told me you called her freaking out. If you are going to be a bitch to her just leave her the hell alone. And what would you need to run away from? We are talking about going over and talking to people not petting a lion. .
Me October 2 at 6:51Pm I called and yelled, I didn't mean to, I just didn't want to seem like an idiot for crying on the phone and I called back and said sorry. Despite what you both think I dont mean to be a bad person. You try being completely alone or even told you're horrible when all you want to do is curl up and cry.
And trust me, it doesn't seem like that to you, but it does to me
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J.R. October 2 at 6:53Pm Report
How are you alone? Who calls you horrible? You tell me all these things yet you don't give me any examples. .
Me October 2 at 6:56PM You have practically been doing it this whole time. Julia treats me wanting to know what's going on as a horrid crime even if I'm not yelling. And how am I not alone? I don't have anyone close to me that I can tell anything!
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J.R. October 2 at 6:59PM Report
I never once called you horrible nor thought it. I think you are acting over-dramatic and crazy. You don't ever no whats going on? Ha thats a laugh. And you do have your family. Your first friends. .
Me October 2 at 7:01PM I don't. and no, I can't talk to them about anything. Saying I'm obsessive, phyco, and dangerous certainly sounds like horrible.
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J.R. October 2 at 7:06PM Report
No calling you horrible would mean that I would hate you. And I do not hate you. And why can't you talk with your family? .
Me October 2 at 7:09PM You don't have to hate someone to think they're horrible. Haha, how could I talk to them?
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J.R. October 2 at 7:10PM Report
Just talk. .
Me October 2 at 7:13PM Oh yeah, "hey, mom, quit working on your degree, we need to talk about me cutting" would just go over grandly.
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J.R. October 2 at 7:14PM Report
I am sure your parents would find some time to talk about your health. And yes cutting is a health problem. .
Me October 2 at 7:16PM Yeah right after they threw me into the asylum and ignored me for years.
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J.R. October 2 at 7:18PM Report
Well being as obsessive as you are you obviously have some sort of mental issue. Though I do not know your parents I don't think they think of you as so worthless as to throw you in an asylum and forget about you. .
Me October 2 at 7:21PM Yeah, I never had attention. Ever since I was 18 months old and I had someone I never thought would leave and now I'm freaking alone!
J.R. October 3 at 7:18PM Report
Life will not always be a pleasent trip. You loose people. It just happens. And you haven't even lost Julia...yet. And you do have other friends you know. Like Anna and L.S.. And I am qute sure your parents aren't emotionless pigs towards you. I think you are just way to dramatic. In fact I know you are.
Me October 3 at 8:24pm Then you'll be able to deal with me saying this perfectly, shut up, I'm freaking sick of hearing your bull crap. If Julia had something to say to me, she should've done it herself, but thanks for waking me up to the fact that I can't trust my best friend. ^^

So, yeah, it's long but that's it. Now, if I refer to it, you'll know what I mean. Sorry, but I'm not gonna give out a link to J.R.'s facebook so anyone can yell at him(who would want to?) mainly because he lives too close to me and I don't want stalkers.

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