Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I never, ever mean to be judgemental.

Yet it happens. Like being scared when I realized that J.R. was reading about magic. J.R.'s into Wicca, in case I haven't said that. To be honest, if it was anyone else I don't think I would've taken it as such as a personal threat, but because of who and where it was I overreacted (probably). This was as I was finishing my Basic Drawing final. That cute little room in a corner of the basement of the main building, well, it's one of the few places I feel completely content nearly all of the time when I'm there. The teacher isn't insanely nice, the room isn't actually cute, and it's kinda cold down there, but I still love being there. And this person...well, he's done somethings to me when I still considered us friends (Remember this: you don't tell your friends to kill themselves and that the world is better off without them). Maybe I'm just holding a grudge, but to be totally honest, I haven't gotten an "I'm sorry for being a complete and total jerk" in any way, shape, or form so it's very hard for me to forgive him. Trust me, I'm trying.
In other news, I was..applauded by my youth group when I spoke in front of them. To be honest, I'm an aweful public speaker, but I stood instead of sat and used a tone that was serious and sounded not there. Like, it was somewhere else, remembering something else. It may have helped that the people before me were giggle girls or mumbling guys. I spoke out and just simply sounded mystified.
Okay, so I haven't touched my WiiFit tonight. I'm scared. I ate ALL fraggin day. Except for in the morning, but still. All freaking day. Which means I should have probably touched it a lot today because I ate so friggin much, but I didn't even touch it. I had lunch, a Butterfingers after school, mints, mints, mints, mints, mints, mints, just a crap load of stuff. I even allowed myself to drink nondiet soda. I mean, frickin seriously. At the time I was thinking, "This is one time I'm being 'normal'. Let me be normal." Even though I shouldn't have touched it, shouldn't have even thought about eating the candy bar, shouln't have had the soda, shouldn't have eaten so many mints (they're thirty calories a mint!!). Lunch actually wasn't that bad. It was about 270. Then the candy bar (BY ITSELF!) was 270ish. Dang it, I just can't believe how much crap I stuffed down my throat. I'm sure there's more, though I don't think I ate dinner. Went vegetarian without telling my mom and she used meat in the chili she made. Maybe I should've told her, haha. But then I ate about 9032094832094823097 mints (about 9, actually). Good thing I'm gonna have a PE starting tomorrow. Then I'll get exercise at school and home and if J.P. actually tries to help me lose weight, we may go for walks more and then I'll get exercise that way.
Oh, yes, I forgot to inform you of my choice to become a vegetarian. After health class year, I realized there actually is no need to eat meat. If you argue that it's tasty, I'll give you that. But generally meat is higher in calories and fat. A normal person would have no problem with this (a few more calories? Who cares?), but I do care. So, since there are ways to get the protien needed without nomming on some cute animal, I've decided to give my mom a challenge. To see if she was willing to try odd ideas, I had her make pineapple juice. It was quite good, actually, though she didn't cook it quite long enough. Since this, I've been wondering how odd of a dish I can cause her to create. Now, you must realize, my mom is a horrid cook. Most of our meals come from boxes with instructions or she already knows how to make them. Well, if anyone has any suggestions, please do not hesitate to say so either way (it may not be made properly, just sayin). Of course, I'm going to look other places for things I think sound good, but getting other people's opinions is so much more fun.
Well, I have a whole new schedule to deal with tomorrow, so I may want to start getting ready for bed. I'm sorry if I bored everyone's brains out today. It comes partly with being 14.
Goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite. :)

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