Didn't get to walk the dog. I ish screwed into going to the ER for matters not related to food. Ugh.
On other news, my dad wants to make me a website. I dunno what to use it for because he is making it. Otherwise I would have it related to, well, EDs. So I am just royally screwed.
Suggestions, anyone?
Gosh, I'm so lonely, and I would give out my cell number so someone out there could text me, but I've got that small fear that you'll stalk me.
Gonna go read more Cirque du Freak. SPEAKING OF anyone got any good, like, teen horror? Yeah, I know, someone my age should be going for the romance but screw romance. I'm tired of romance novels. Really, I want good horror, not stupid okay, we're gonna try to make you pee your pants, but otherwise this is trash kind of horror.
Ok, actually gonna go now. This is Ixia on her celly phone signing off! Woo
Edit, after ER:
So... found out I'm as fat as I've been guessing. 155. Ew. Just plain ew. BUT! :) Less than 300 and burned off like 350. I bet I'm going to break down and, like, binge soon. Please no. Oh please effing no. That would suck sooo much.
Found out that I'm secretly stupid. Totally over look the fact that I can run in place. Yep, I'm a little dumb sometimes.
Go girl go! No binge no!